Using glass electrodes that accumulate gas inside is achieved at the level of the skin, many small pulses are generated, which in turn originate micromassage effect and a minimal dose of ultraviolet radiation. This results in a skin redness (erythema) by increasing blood flow and the localized temperature (hyperthermia).

When applied to the skin, the glass electrode generates ozone gas. Ozone produces fat lipoperoxidation attacking the lipids of the skin surface which are in the scalp and skin. This powerful bactericidal effect increase the temperature and local vasodilation, with consequent increase of irrigation, oxygenation and nutrition of tissues treated.

It features a dual frequency selector (very high frequency and frequency normalized) for different skin types.


Increased nutrition and oxygenation of the skin, stimulating it and making recover all the nutritional and metabolic values. By this, alterations and senile type imbalances and premature wrinkles to skin-level, parchment skin, loss of natural moisture, blood deficiency, etc. are fought. HOW TO APPLY For safe application is recommended to use with rotational movements to observe hyperemia and / or localized erythema.

Equipment: 2 kg
Accessories: 0.3 kg
Packing: 1 kg
Total: 3.3 kg
Dimensions: 28 x 30 x 30 cm (high-long-deep)